
GrabStrategy Enumeration#

Lists the possible grab strategies.



public enum GrabStrategy


Public Enumeration GrabStrategy


Member name説明
OneByOne0Images are processed in the order of their arrival. This is the default grab strategy. It is typically used for an inspection system that needs to process every triggered image, e.g. for quality control of manufactured items.
LatestImages2Image are continuously grabbed, but only the latest PLCameraInstance.OutputQueueSize images are kept. Other grabbed images are skipped. This strategy can be used if the application does not retrieve all images in time. The PLCameraInstance.OutputQueueSize parameter can be used to control how many images can be queued in the output queue. When setting the output queue size to PLCameraInstance.MaxNumBuffer, this strategy is equivalent to GrabStrategy_OneByOne. This strategy can be used for displaying images or any other use cases that do not require to process every single image, e.g. some barcode scanning use cases. By setting PLCameraInstance.OutputQueueSize to 1 and PLCameraInstance.MaxNumBuffer to 2 only a few buffers are required and if the images cannot be displayed/processed fast enough older images are automatically discarded. Note that the number buffers set need to be chosen depending on the actual use case.


Basler.Pylon Namespace