
Basler Vision Connector Messaging: Uploading the Camera Configuration#

With the following message you can upload the camera configuration file to the camera to restore the camera setup. Downloading a configuration file is described in the Downloading the Camera Configuration topic.

JSON Payload#

Field Optional タイプ 説明
TransactionID はい String Transaction identification
アクション いいえ String Method called. Fixed value: SetDeviceConfig
DeviceID いいえ String Device identification
FileContent いいえ String Base64 string of the configuration file, which contains the mime type prefix
    "TransactionID": "234423465465",
    "Action": "SetDeviceConfig",
    "DeviceID": "548451887",
    "FileContent": "data:text/plain;base64,IyB7MDVEOEMyOTQtRjI5NS00Z[...]"

Response Object#

Field Optional タイプ 説明
TransactionID はい String Transaction identification
ReturnCode いいえ Integer (32-bit unsigned) Message code following Message Codes
メッセージ はい String Response message
  "TransactionID": "234423465465",
  "ReturnCode": 0,
  "Message": "Configuration loaded."