

Module: GenICam / GenApi Node Interfaces and Access Mode Check Functions

Interface to access the node map.

#include <GenApi/INodeMap.h>

Public Functions#

virtual void GetNodes(NodeList_t & Nodes) const =0
Retrieves all nodes in the node map.
virtual INode * GetNode(const GenICam::gcstring & Name) const =0
Retrieves the node from the central map by Name.
virtual void InvalidateNodes() const =0
Invalidates all nodes.
virtual bool Connect(IPort * pPort, const GenICam::gcstring & PortName) const =0
Connects a port to a port node with given name.
virtual bool Connect(IPort * pPort) const =0
Connects a port to the standard port "Device".
virtual GenICam::gcstring GetDeviceName() =0
Get device name.
virtual void Poll(int64_t ElapsedTime) =0
Fires nodes which have a polling time.
virtual CLock & GetLock() const =0
Returns the lock which guards the node map.
virtual uint64_t GetNumNodes() const =0
Get the number of nodes in the map.
virtual bool ParseSwissKnifes(GenICam::gcstring_vector * pErrorList =NULL) const =0
Parse all Swissknife equations.

Public Functions Documentation#

function GetNodes#

virtual void GetNodes(
    NodeList_t & Nodes
) const =0

Retrieves all nodes in the node map.

function GetNode#

virtual INode * GetNode(
    const GenICam::gcstring & Name
) const =0

Retrieves the node from the central map by Name.

function InvalidateNodes#

virtual void InvalidateNodes() const =0

Invalidates all nodes.

function Connect#

virtual bool Connect(
    IPort * pPort,
    const GenICam::gcstring & PortName
) const =0

Connects a port to a port node with given name.

function Connect#

virtual bool Connect(
    IPort * pPort
) const =0

Connects a port to the standard port "Device".

function GetDeviceName#

virtual GenICam::gcstring GetDeviceName() =0

Get device name.

The device name identifies a device instance, e.g. for debugging purposes. The default ist "Device".

function Poll#

virtual void Poll(
    int64_t ElapsedTime
) =0

Fires nodes which have a polling time.

function GetLock#

virtual CLock & GetLock() const =0

Returns the lock which guards the node map.

function GetNumNodes#

virtual uint64_t GetNumNodes() const =0

Get the number of nodes in the map.

function ParseSwissKnifes#

virtual bool ParseSwissKnifes(
    GenICam::gcstring_vector * pErrorList =NULL
) const =0

Parse all Swissknife equations.