
CameraFinder Class#

The camera finder can be used to query information about camera devices connected to the system.

Inheritance Hierarchy#




public static class CameraFinder


Public NotInheritable Class CameraFinder

The CameraFinder type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberEnumerate() Retrieves information about cameras connected to the system.
Public methodStatic memberEnumerate(String) Retrieves information about cameras of a specific type connected to the system.
Public methodStatic memberGetDeviceAccessibilityInfo Returns information about the accessibility of a camera device.

CameraFinder.Enumerate Method#

Retrieves information about cameras connected to the system.



public static List<ICameraInfo> Enumerate()


Public Shared Function Enumerate As List(Of ICameraInfo)

Return Value#

Type: List(ICameraInfo)
Returns a list of ICameraInfo objects, one for each camera found. The list is ordered by device type and serial number. Device type order: USB, GigE, Camera Link, other device types ordered by using the < operator, Camera Emulation


The function queries for camera devices connected to the system and returns a list of ICameraInfo objects describing the cameras. The returned information can be used to create a specific Camera object.

Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.

Error Safety: Can throw exceptions.

CameraFinder.Enumerate Method (String)#

Retrieves information about cameras of a specific type connected to the system.



public static List<ICameraInfo> Enumerate(
    string deviceType


Public Shared Function Enumerate ( 
    deviceType As String
) As List(Of ICameraInfo)



Type: System.String
The name of the device type to enumerate connected devices. The static class DeviceType can be used to get a list of valid device class names.

Return Value#

Type: List(ICameraInfo)
Returns a list of ICameraInfo objects, one per camera found. The list is ordered by serial number


The function queries for camera devices of a specific device class connected to the system and returns a list of ICameraInfo objects describing the cameras. The returned information can be used to create a specific Camera object. The static class DeviceType can be used to get a list of valid device type names.

Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.

Error Safety: Can throw exceptions.

CameraFinder.GetDeviceAccessibilityInfo Method#

Returns information about the accessibility of a camera device.



public static DeviceAccessibilityInfo GetDeviceAccessibilityInfo(
    ICameraInfo cameraInfo


Public Shared Function GetDeviceAccessibilityInfo ( 
    cameraInfo As ICameraInfo
) As DeviceAccessibilityInfo



Type: Basler.Pylon.ICameraInfo
An ICameraInfo object specifying the camera device of which the state is returned. The Enumerate() methods can be used to retrieve ICameraInfo objects.

Return Value#

Type: DeviceAccessibilityInfo
Returns a DeviceAccessibilityInfo value for the camera device.


This function can be used to check if a camera device is currently reachable. This can be used to prevent errors when opening a camera.

Note Note
Some cameras do not support this feature and may return DeviceAccessibilityInfo.Unknown.
  Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.

Error Safety: Can throw exceptions.

CameraFinder.Enumerate Method#

Overload List#

Public methodStatic memberEnumerate() Retrieves information about cameras connected to the system.
Public methodStatic memberEnumerate(String) Retrieves information about cameras of a specific type connected to the system.