

Module: Low Level API

Low Level API: Interface for chunk parsers with an own chunk data node map attached. More…

#include <pylon/ChunkParser.h>

Inherits from Pylon::IChunkParser

Inherited by Pylon::CChunkParser

Public Functions#

virtual GenApi::INodeMap * GetChunkDataNodeMap() =0
Provides access to the chunk data node map that the parser updates.
virtual void Destroy() =0
Makes the object to destroy itself.
virtual void AttachBuffer(const void * pBuffer, int64_t BufferLength, GenApi::AttachStatistics_t * pAttachStatistics =NULL) =0
Pass in a buffer and let the chunk parser analyze it.
virtual void DetachBuffer() =0
Detaches a buffer from the chunk parser. The buffer will no longer accessed by the chunk parser.
virtual void UpdateBuffer(const void * pBaseAddress) =0
Pass in a buffer and let the chunk parser update the camera object's parameters.
virtual bool HasCRC() const =0
Checks if buffer has a CRC attached.
virtual bool CheckCRC() const =0
Checks CRC sum of buffer.

Detailed Description#

class Pylon::ISelfReliantChunkParser;

Low Level API: Interface for chunk parsers with an own chunk data node map attached.

This type of chunk parser updates the an own node map containing only the chunk data nodes instead of updating the devices node map. This is useful for attaching the chunk data to a grab result.

Public Functions Documentation#

function GetChunkDataNodeMap#

virtual GenApi::INodeMap * GetChunkDataNodeMap() =0

Provides access to the chunk data node map that the parser updates.

Return: The chunk data node map of the parser

Reimplemented by: Pylon::CChunkParser::GetChunkDataNodeMap

function Destroy#

virtual void Destroy() =0

Makes the object to destroy itself.

Reimplemented by: Pylon::CChunkParser::Destroy

This is an alternative to destroying it via the IPylonDevice interface. It is used when the device has been destroyed already.

function AttachBuffer#

virtual void AttachBuffer(
    const void * pBuffer,
    int64_t BufferLength,
    GenApi::AttachStatistics_t * pAttachStatistics =NULL
) =0

Pass in a buffer and let the chunk parser analyze it.


  • pBuffer Pointer to the new buffer
  • BufferLength Size of the new buffer in bytes
  • pAttachStatistics (optional) Pointer to a record taking statistic data of the analyzed buffer

Reimplemented by: Pylon::CChunkParser::AttachBuffer

Corresponding parameters of the camera object reflecting the chunked data will be updated.

function DetachBuffer#

virtual void DetachBuffer() =0

Detaches a buffer from the chunk parser. The buffer will no longer accessed by the chunk parser.

Reimplemented by: Pylon::CChunkParser::DetachBuffer

An attached buffer must be detached before freeing it. When attaching a new buffer, the previous one gets detached automatically.

function UpdateBuffer#

virtual void UpdateBuffer(
    const void * pBaseAddress
) =0

Pass in a buffer and let the chunk parser update the camera object's parameters.


  • pBaseAddress Pointer to the new buffer

Reimplemented by: Pylon::CChunkParser::UpdateBuffer

This method can be used when the layout of the chunk data hasn't changed since a previous buffer has been attached to the chunk parser. In this case UpdateBuffer is slightly faster than AttachBuffer, because the buffer's layout is reused. If you call UpdateBuffer without having called AttachBuffer first, a LogicalErrorException is raised.

function HasCRC#

virtual bool HasCRC() const =0

Checks if buffer has a CRC attached.

Return: true if the buffer contains CRC value.

function CheckCRC#

virtual bool CheckCRC() const =0

Checks CRC sum of buffer.

Return: true if the contained CRC equals the computed value.