
Basler Vision Connector Messaging: Defining the Default Configuration#

With the GenICam protocol you can store parameter sets on the camera, and with the Basler Vision Connector you can save, load, and define the default user set to be used on camera restart.

To determine the default camera parameter set, loaded to the camera during camera restart, you can send the SetDefaultUserSet message.

JSON Payload#

Field Optional タイプ 説明
TransactionID はい String Transaction identification
アクション いいえ String Method called. Fixed value: SetDefaultUserSet
DeviceID いいえ String Device identification
UserSet いいえ String/Integer (64-bit signed) {Value} or {IntValue} of the User Set Object as defined in Retrieving Available User Sets
  "TransactionID": "1232116",
  "Action": "SetDefaultUserSet",
  "DeviceID": "548451887",
  "UserSet": "UserSet2"

Response Object#

Field Optional タイプ 説明
TransactionID はい String Transaction identification
ReturnCode いいえ Integer (32-bit unsigned) Message code following Message Codes
メッセージ はい String Response message
  "TransactionID": "1232116",
  "ReturnCode": 0,
  "Message": "Default userset defined."