
In this chapter, you find a collection of useful information for working with VisualApplets.

Command Line Options

VisualApplets offers some command line arguments in order to use VisualApplets, for example, in batch scripts, or for linking the program into a system environment.

The syntax follows the following scheme:


The commands, together with the expected arguments, are listed in the following table:

Command Line Argument & Meaning


Execute commands stored in a specified Tcl script.


  • Filename of Tcl script (*.tcl)


Load a specified file and create an applet. The design will be checked against the design rules.


  • Filename of VisualApplets design file (*.va)

  • Filename of resulting applet file (*.hap)


Merges a microEnable IV applet file with a PixelPlant applet file. A check for suitability of both source applet files will be done.


  • Filename of mother board applet (*.hap)

  • Filename of PixelPlant applet (*.hap)

  • Filename of resulting applet file


Generates an SDK Example (C source code) for using the applet with the Framegrabber SDK. The design will be checked against the design rules.


  • Filename of VisualApplets design file (*.va)

  • Filename of PixelPlant applet file (*.hap)


Additional option when generating a hardware applet. Keeps the intermediate files (created during the build process) for tracing purposes after the build is completed.


Load a specified VisualApplets design file.

Used, for example, when assigning *.va files for opening by double click inside the Explorer.


  • Filename of VisualApplets design file (*.va)

Table 14. Command Line Options and According Arguments

Keyboard Shortcuts

Below, you find a list of all shortcuts available in VisualApplets.

Main Program Window

Shortcut Menu Item
Ctrl+N FileNew Project
Ctrl+O FileOpen Project
Ctrl+S FileSave Project
Ctrl+P FilePrint Visible Diagram
Ctrl+Q FileQuit Application
Ctrl+Z EditUndo
Ctrl+Shift+Z EditRedo
Ctrl+Z EditUndo
Ctrl+X EditCut
Ctrl+C EditCopy
Ctrl+V EditPaste
Del EditDelete
F2 EditRename Module
Ctrl+I DesignAdd Operator
Mouse 3+ DesignAdd Operator
Ctrl+F DesignSearch Module
F9 AnalysisStart Simulation
Ctrl+F7 AnalysisDesign Rules Check Level 1
Ctrl+F8 AnalysisDesign Rules Check Level 2
F7 BuildBuild
F5 BuildStart microDisplay
F11 ViewFullscreen
Ctrl++ ViewZoom In Diagram
Ctrl+- ViewZoom Out Diagram
Ctrl+Mouse wheel up ViewZoom In Diagram
Ctrl+Mouse wheel down ViewZoom Out Diagram
Ctrl+Return ViewZoom Reset
Backspace ViewWindow Up
Ctrl+Space ViewToggle Hand/Selection Tool
Ctrl+Arrow Right WindowNext Diagram
Ctrl+Arrow Left WindowPrevious Diagram
Drag+Drop Project files can be dropped on main window.

Table 15. Shortcut List for Main Program Window

Simulation Viewer

Shortcut Menu Item
Ctrl+Q FileExit Simulation Viewer
Ctrl+C EditCopy Image to Clipboard
Del EditRemove Selected Images
Ctrl+Del EditRemove all Images
Arrow left NavigationPrevious Image
Arrow right NavigationNext Image
Ctrl++ ViewZoom In
Ctrl+Mouse wheel up ViewZoom In
Ctrl+- ViewZoom Out
Ctrl+Mouse wheel down ViewZoom Out
Ctrl+Mouse 3 ViewNormal Size 1:1
F11 ViewFull Screen
Ctrl+F ViewFit to Window
Ctrl+T ViewMapped Thumbs
Ctrl+R ViewReset Parameters
Drag+Drop Images can be dropped directly on simulation viewer (source) or simulation source module.

Table 16. Shortcut List for Simulation Viewer

Error Reporting

Even the best developed and tested software might – at times – run into some errors. If you want to help Basler in improving VisualApplets, please report any misbehavior to our support team and describe the situation.

Additional data like the VisualApplets design file (*.va), a description of the system environment like operating system and PC hardware, or your specific VisualApplets system settings is helpful for us when correcting the erroneous misbehavior.

In case of system crashes, a trace file will be generated. This file allows us at Basler to restore the exact situation that led to the crash. This trace file is stored inside a zip-archive which you will find in the installation directory of VisualApplets: <INSTDIR>\bin\bugs\bug*.zip. Please decide if you want to send this supplementary information to Basler or not. Please note that the trace file contains only information that has been entered into VisualApplets. It does not contain any information regarding the computer system VisualApplets was running on.