Operator Library: Arithmetics
The module ClipHigh limits the values to a parametrizable maximum. If the input exceeds the maximum it is clipped, i.e.

Link Parameter | Input Link I | Output Link O |
Bit Width | [1, 63] unsigned, [2, 63] signed | as I |
Arithmetic | {unsigned, signed} | as I |
Parallelism | any | as I |
Kernel Columns | any | as I |
Kernel Rows | any | as I |
Img Protocol | {VALT_IMAGE2D, VALT_LINE1D, VALT_PIXEL0D} | as I |
Color Format | VAF_GRAY | as I |
Color Flavor | FL_NONE | as I |
Max. Img Width | any | as I |
Max. Img Height | any | as I |
to | |
Type | static parameter |
Default | 127 |
Range | range of the input link |
This parameter defines the maximum value for the output link. |
The use of operator ClipHigh is shown in the following examples:
Examples - The applet shows an example for white balancing on RGB images.
Examples - The Kirsch filter is a good edge detection filter for non directional edges.
Examples - A Sobel filter in x-direction only.
Examples - A Sobel filter in all 4 directions.
Examples - A Gauss filter using a 5x5 kernel.
Examples - A 3x3 Laplace filter.
'Image Composition Using Exposure Fusion'
Examples - ExposureFusion
'2D Shading Correction / Flat Field Correction'
Examples - The example shows the implementation of a 2D shading correction. Correction values are stored in frame grabber RAM. The applet performs a high precision offset and gain correction.
'2D Shading Correction / Flat Field Correction Using Operator RamLUT'
Examples - The example shows the implementation of a 2D shading correction. Correction values are stored in the operator RamLUT. The applet performs a high precision offset and gain correction.
'1D Shading Correction Using Block RAM'
Examples - The example shows an 1D shading correction. The correction values are stored in block RAM memory.
'1D Shading Correction Using Frame Grabber RAM'
Examples - The example shows an 1D shading correction. The correction values are stored in Frame Grabber RAM.