Design Versions

For JPEG grayscale encoding five example designs for microEnable 5 marathon platform for CameraLink and CoaxPress camera interfaces and for different link configurations and bandwidths are implemented. With the operator JPEG_Encoder the full data rate defined by the input link parameters can be processed. The bandwidth which can be processed in a design is defined by the by the design clock frequency and the link paraellism. Please see the following table for the available design versions:

Example Camera Interface Number of Processes Input Bandwidth per Camera Interface Camera Link Base (mE5-MA-VCL) 2 Camera Link Base Speed 255 MP/s: Parallelism 4, Design Clock Frequency: 125 MHz Camera Link Full (mE5-MA-VCL) 1 Camera Link Full Speed 850MP/s: Parallelism 8, Design Clock Frequency: 125 MHz CoaxPress Quad Link (mE5-MA-VCX-QP) 1 2500 MPixel/s: Parallelism 16, Design Clock Frequency: 160 MHz
JPEG_DualCXP6x4AreaGray CoaxPress Dual Link(mE5-MA-VCX-QP) 2 1280 MPixel/s: Parallelism 8, Design Clock Frequency: 160 MHz
JPEG_QuadCXP6x1AreaGray CoaxPress Single Link(mE5-MA-VCX-QP) 4 CoaxPress Single Link Speed 780 MPixel/s: Parallelism 8, Design Clock Frequency: 125 MHz

Table 17. Design Versions for Grayscale JPEG Encoding