imaFlex CXP-12 Quad Implementation Examples

The imaFlex CXP-12 Quad platform currently does not provide support for all DRAM-based memory operators, which are available on the microEnable 5 platforms. Operators which are not supported are: ImageBufferMultiRoi, ImageBufferMultiRoiDyn and CoefficientBuffer. In the VisualApplets example designs described in this chapter, you find user library elements and implementations with VisualApplets standard operators, which provide the same functionality as the missing memory operators. See 'Delivered User Libraries' for instructions how to work with user library elements.

The example "" demonstrates the usage of user library element JPEG_Encoder_Color_iF on imaFlex platform. Its functionality is equivalent to the functionality of the user lib elements of library JPEG_Color for microEnable 5 frame grabber series

In addition, in 'Basic Acquisition Examples for Cameras for CoaXPress 12 imaFlex Frame Grabber' basic acquisition examples are described, which show how to support multiple bit widths, image formats and protocols using the camera interface operator CxpCamera on imaFlex CXP-12 Quad platform. In section '2D Shading Correction / Flat Field Correction Using Operator RamLUT', an example implementation is described, which shows how to perform 2D shading correction based on operator RamLUT as alternative to the operator CoefficientBuffer.