







  • カメラの入力ラインの 1 つに適用される電気信号(外部ハードウェアトリガー)
  • カメラによって生成される、タイマーやカウンター信号などの内部信号(内部ハードウェアトリガー)

カメラがソフトウェアトリガー用に設定されている場合、ソフトウェアコマンドまたは信号はトリガー信号として機能します。ソフトウェアコマンドは、pylon API を使用して実行できます。

設定の観点からは、ハードウェアトリガーとソフトウェアトリガーの唯一の違いは Trigger Source です。ハードウェアトリガーの場合、ハードウェア Trigger Sourceを選択する必要があります。ソフトウェアトリガーの場合、ソフトウェア Trigger Source を選択する必要があります。






  1. Set the TriggerSelector parameter to select the type of trigger you want to configure.
  2. Set the TriggerMode parameter to On to enable the trigger.
  3. トリガーを次のように設定します。
    1. Set the TriggerSource parameter to define which signal triggers the trigger.
    2. If applicable, set the TriggerActivation parameter to define which signal transition triggers the trigger.
    3. If applicable, set the TriggerDelay parameter to define when the trigger is triggered.
  4. 設定するすべてのトリガーに対して上記の手順を繰り返します。


  • カメラの画像取得プロセスについて理解することは、トリガー画像取得用にシステムを最適化するのに不可欠です。詳細については、「取得タイミング情報」を参照してください。
  • 次の制限要因のいずれか、または両方を超えるレートでカメラをトリガーしないでください。

    • The maximum allowed frame rate or maximum allowed line rate for the current camera settings. If you apply trigger signals to the camera when it is not ready to receive them, the signals will be ignored.
    • ホストコンピューターのデータ転送、ストレージ、またはその両方の容量制限。ホストコンピューターが処理できる量を超えて画像を取得しようとすると、フレームがドロップされることがあります。
  • カメラでトリガー信号を受信する準備が完了しているかどうかを確認するには、カメラのTrigger Wait信号を監視するか、Acquisition Status機能を使用します。

  • 一部のカメラでは、トリガー画像取得を有効にすると、オーバーラップ画像取得が無効になり、カメラの最大フレームレートが低下します。これは、この表で「オーバーラップ画像取得の可用性」が「カメラがフリーラン画像取得に設定されている場合のみ」として指定されている、すべてのカメラに適用されます。

例 1:基本的なハードウェアトリガー#

物理入力ライン 1 の立ち上がり信号が受信されるたびに画像取得が開始されるようにカメラを設定するとします。


TriggerSelector = FrameStart
TriggerMode = On
TriggerActivation = RisingEdge
TriggerSource = Line1

例 2:高度なハードウェアトリガー#

画像露光が、物理入力ライン 1 の立ち上がり信号を受信するたびに開始され、ライン 2 の立ち下がり信号を受信するたびに停止されるようにカメラを設定するとします。

ExposureMode = TriggerControlled

TriggerSelector = ExposureStart
TriggerMode = On
TriggerActivation = RisingEdge
TriggerSource = Line1

TriggerSelector = ExposureEnd
TriggerMode = On
TriggerActivation = FallingEdge
TriggerSource = Line2

例 3:ソフトウェアトリガー#


TriggerSelector = FrameStart
TriggerMode = On
TriggerSource = Software

Now, executing the TriggerSoftware command via the pylon API starts image acquisition.

例 4:画像シリーズのトリガー#


TriggerSelector = FrameBurstStart
TriggerMode = On
AcquisitionBurstFrameCount = 3
TriggerActivation = RisingEdge
TriggerSource = Line1

これで、物理入力ライン 1 で立ち上がり信号が受信されるたびに、カメラは連続する 3 つの完全な画像を自動的に取得するようになります。


You can set the trigger type using the TriggerSelector parameter.

これにより、設定可能なのはどのトリガーであるかがわかります。たとえば、Exposure Start トリガーを選択して、カメラが露光を開始するタイミングと方法を設定できます。



利用可能な場合は、Frame Burst Start、End、および Active トリガーを使用して、一連の画像の取得(画像の「バースト」)を制御できます。


ace classic/U/L GigE カメラでは、Frame Burst Start トリガーは「Acquisition Start」という名称です。これらのトリガーは同じであり、名前が異なるだけです。

The number of images per series is specified by the AcquisitionBurstFrameCount parameter. The maximum number of images per series is 255 on ace classic/U/L cameras and 1023 on other cameras.


これらのトリガーを有効にし、設定された Trigger Source を介して対応する信号をカメラが受信すると、次のことが起こります。

Frame and Line Triggers#


  • If you want to use any of these triggers, the exposure mode must be set to Timed or TriggerWidth.

If available, you can use the Frame Start, End, and Active triggers or the Line Start trigger to control the acquisition of a single image. These are the trigger types used most commonly. In most image applications, you will only need to configure these trigger types.


これらのトリガーを有効にし、設定された Trigger Source を介して対応する信号をカメラが受信すると、次のことが起こります。

  • Frame Start:カメラは1つの画像の取得を初期化します。
    Exposure Startトリガーが有効になっている場合、カメラではExposure Startトリガー信号を受信する準備が整っています。
    Exposure Startトリガーが使用できない場合または無効になっている場合、カメラは自動的に画像の露光を開始します。この場合、遅延して露光が開始します(露光開始遅延を参照)。
  • Frame End:カメラは1つの画像の取得を終了します。
  • Frame Active:トリガー信号が立ち上がると、カメラは Frame Start トリガー信号を生成します。トリガー信号が立ち下がると、カメラは Frame End トリガー信号を生成します。この動作は、トリガー起動モードを設定することで変更できます。
  • Line Start:The camera initializes the acquisition of one image.
    If the Exposure Start trigger is enabled, the camera is now ready to receive
    Exposure Start trigger signals.
    If the Exposure Start trigger is not available or disabled, the camera automatically starts exposing the image. Note that in this case, exposure starts with a delay (see exposure start delay).


利用可能な場合は、Exposure Start、End、および Active トリガーを使用して、単一の画像の露出を制御できます。


  • If you want to use any of these triggers, the exposure mode must be set to TriggerControlled.
  • If the exposure mode is set to Timed or TriggerWidth, these triggers can't be enabled, i.e., their TriggerMode setting will permanently be set to Off.
  • Exposure StartトリガーおよびExposure Endトリガーを使用する場合は、両方を有効にする必要があります。


If you enable these triggers, set the exposure mode to TriggerControlled, and the camera receives the corresponding signal via the trigger source configured, the following happens:

  • Exposure Start:カメラが1つの画像の露光を開始します。
  • Exposure End:カメラが1つの画像の露光を停止します。
  • Exposure Active:トリガー信号が立ち上がると、カメラは Exposure Start トリガー信号を生成します。トリガー信号が立ち下がると、カメラは Exposure End トリガー信号を生成します。この動作は、トリガー起動モードを設定することで変更できます。

Trigger Source#

You can set the trigger source using the TriggerSource parameter.


お使いのカメラモデルに応じて、次の Trigger Source を使用できます。

ハードウェア Trigger Source#

  • Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4: The trigger selected can be triggered by applying an electrical signal to I/O line 1, 2, 3, or 4.
    If the I/O line is a GPIO line, the line must be configured for input.
  • CXPTrigger0, CXPTrigger1: The trigger selected can be triggered by receiving a trigger signal from a CXP-12 frame grabber or a CXP-12 interface card.

    For information about configuring the CXP-12 frame grabber or the CXP-12 interface card, see the Basler Frame Grabber documentation and the Configuring a CXP-12 Interface Card topic. Triggering the camera via the frame grabber or interface card has the following advantages:

    • 短いトリガー遅延。
    • 生成されたI/Oトリガーパケットは、CoaXPressデータケーブルを介してカメラに送信されます。これは、ケーブルのセットアップに役立つ場合があります。

    The CXPTrigger0 and CXPTrigger1 triggers correspond to the LinkTrigger0 and LinkTrigger1 trigger packet definitions in the CoaXPress Standard version 2.0.

  • Action1: The trigger selected can be triggered using the Action Commands feature.
  • Counter1Active, Counter2Active: The trigger selected can be triggered using the Counter feature. The trigger signal will be high (1) as long as the given counter is counting and low (0) as long as it is not counting.
  • Counter1Start, Counter2Start: The trigger selected can be triggered using the Counter feature. A trigger signal is sent whenever the given counter starts counting.
  • Counter1End, Counter2End: The trigger selected can be triggered using the Counter feature. A trigger signal is sent whenever the given counter stops counting.
  • Timer1Active, Timer2Active: The trigger selected can be triggered using the Timer feature. The trigger signal will be high (1) as long as the given timer is running and low (0) as long as it is not running.
  • Timer1End, Timer2End: The trigger selected can be triggered using the Timer feature. A trigger signal is sent whenever the given timer has elapsed.
  • PeriodicSignal1: The trigger selected can be triggered using the Periodic Signal feature. A trigger signal is sent repeatedly. Its period is defined by the BslPeriodicSignalPeriod parameter.

ソフトウェア Trigger Source#

  • Software: The trigger selected can be triggered by executing a TriggerSoftware command via the pylon API.
  • SoftwareSignal1, SoftwareSignal2, SoftwareSignal3: The trigger selected can be triggered using the Software Signal Pulse feature.

Trigger Activationモード#

You can set the activation mode using the TriggerActivation parameter.



  • RisingEdge: The trigger becomes active when the trigger signal rises, i.e., when the signal status changes from low to high.
  • FallingEdge: The trigger becomes active when the trigger signal falls, i.e., when the signal status changes from high to low.
  • AnyEdge: The trigger becomes active when the trigger signal falls or rises.
  • LevelHigh: The trigger is active as long as the trigger signal is high.
  • LevelLow: The trigger is active as long as the trigger signal is low.

Trigger Delay#



  1. Set the TriggerSelector parameter to the desired trigger type.
  2. Set the TriggerDelay parameter to the desired delay (in µs).


取りうる最大値よりも長い遅延を追加する場合は、Timer 機能を使用します(利用可能な場合)。



カメラモデル 使用可能なTrigger Types 使用可能なHardware Trigger Source 使用可能なSoftware Trigger Source 使用可能なTrigger Activationモード
a2A640-240gmSWIR Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A640-240umSWIR Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1280-80gmSWIR Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1280-125umSWIR Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-51gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-51gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-51gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-51gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-160ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-160ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-160umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-160umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-165g5cBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A1920-165g5mBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2048-35gmSWIR Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2048-110umSWIR Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2440-98g5cBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2440-98g5mBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-23gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-23gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-23gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-23gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-75ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-75ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-75umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-75umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-105g5cBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-105g5mBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-120cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-120cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-210cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2448-210cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2560-20gmSWIR Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2560-70umSWIR Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2590-22gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2590-22gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2590-22gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2590-22gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2590-60ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2590-60ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2590-60umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2590-60umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2600-20gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2600-20gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2600-20gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2600-20gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2600-64ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2600-64ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2600-64umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2600-64umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-14gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-14gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-14gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-14gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-14gmUV Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-48ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-48ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-48umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-48umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-48umUV Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-67g5cBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-67g5mBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-67g5mUV Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-86cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A2840-86cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A3840-13gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A3840-13gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A3840-13gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A3840-13gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A3840-45ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A3840-45ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A3840-45umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A3840-45umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-9gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-9gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-9gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-9gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-30ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-30ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-30umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-30umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-44g5cBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-44g5mBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-67cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4096-67cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4200-12gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4200-12gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4200-12gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4200-12gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4200-40ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4200-40ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4200-40umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4200-40umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-5gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-5gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-5gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-5gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-18ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-18ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-18umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-18umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-27g5cBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-27g5mBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-42cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4504-42cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4508-6gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4508-6gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4508-6gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4508-6gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4508-20ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4508-20ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4508-20umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A4508-20umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-7gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-7gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-7gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-7gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-23ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-23ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-23umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-23umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-34g5cBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-34g5mBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-52cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5320-52cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-4gcBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-4gcPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-4gmBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-4gmPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-15ucBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-15ucPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-15umBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-15umPRO Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-22g5cBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-22g5mBAS Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-35cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
a2A5328-35cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
acA640-121gm Frame Start
Aquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA640-300gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA640-300gm Frame Start
Aquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA640-750uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA640-750um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA720-290gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA720-290gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA720-520uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA720-520um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA800-200gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA800-200gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA800-510uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA800-510um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1280-60gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line1 ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1280-60gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1300-60gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1300-60gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1300-60gmNIR Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1300-75gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1300-75gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1300-200uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1300-200um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1440-73gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1440-73gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1440-220uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1440-220um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1600-20gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1600-20uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1600-60gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1600-60gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-25gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-25gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-25uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-25um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-40gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-40gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-40uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-40ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-40um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-40umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-48gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-48gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-50gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-50gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-150uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-150um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-155uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-155ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-155um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA1920-155umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2000-50gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2000-50gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2000-165uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2000-165um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-25gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-25gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-25gmNIR Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-35gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-35gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-55uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-55um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-90uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-90um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-90umNIR Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-120uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2040-120um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-20gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-20gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-35uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-35ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-35um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-35umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-75uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-75ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-75um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2440-75umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-14gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-14gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
ライン1 Software
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-14uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-14um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-20gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-20gcMED Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-20gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-20gmMED Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-60uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA2500-60um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3088-16gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3088-16gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3088-57uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3088-57ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3088-57um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3088-57umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3800-10gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3800-10gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3800-14uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA3800-14um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4024-8gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4024-8gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4024-29uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4024-29um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-11gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-11gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-30uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-30ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-30um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-30umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-40uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-40ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-40um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4096-40umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-8gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-8gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-20uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-20ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-20um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-20umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-30uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-30ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-30um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA4112-30umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA5472-5gc Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA5472-5gm Frame Start
Acquisition Start
Line 1
Line 3
Action 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA5472-17uc Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA5472-17ucMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA5472-17um Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
acA5472-17umMED Frame Start
Frame Burst Start
Line 1
Line 3
Line 4
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3(一部のカメラモデル)
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
boA1936-400cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA1936-400cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA2448-250cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA2448-250cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA2832-190cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA2832-190cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4096-93cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4096-93cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4096-180cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4096-180cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4112-68cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4112-68cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4500-45cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4500-45cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4504-100cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA4504-100cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA5120-150cc Frame Start Line 1
CXP Trigger 0
ソフトウェア 立ち上がりエッジ
boA5120-150cm Frame Start Line 1
CXP Trigger 0
ソフトウェア 立ち上がりエッジ
boA5120-230cc Frame Start Line 1
CXP Trigger 0
ソフトウェア 立ち上がりエッジ
boA5120-230cm Frame Start Line 1
CXP Trigger 0
ソフトウェア 立ち上がりエッジ
boA5320-150cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA5320-150cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA5328-100cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA5328-100cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA6500-36cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA6500-36cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA8100-16cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA8100-16cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
boA9344-30cc Frame Start Line 1
CXP Trigger 0
ソフトウェア 立ち上がりエッジ
boA9344-30cm Frame Start Line 1
CXP Trigger 0
ソフトウェア 立ち上がりエッジ
boA9344-70cc Frame Start Line 1
CXP Trigger 0
ソフトウェア 立ち上がりエッジ
boA9344-70cm Frame Start Line 1
CXP Trigger 0
ソフトウェア 立ち上がりエッジ
boA13440-17cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA720-520uc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA720-520um Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA1280-54uc Frame Start Line 1
Line 2
ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
daA1280-54um Frame Start Line 1
Line 2
ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
daA1440-220uc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA1440-220um Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA1600-60uc Frame Start Line 1
Line 2
ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
daA1600-60um Frame Start Line 1
Line 2
ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
daA1920-15um Frame Start Line 1
Line 2
ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
daA1920-30uc Frame Start Line 1
Line 2
ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
daA1920-30um Frame Start Line 1
Line 2
ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
daA1920-160uc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA1920-160um Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA2448-70uc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA2448-70um Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA2500-14uc Frame Start Line 1
Line 2
ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
daA2500-14um Frame Start Line 1
Line 2
ソフトウェア Rising Edge
Falling Edge
daA3840-45uc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
daA3840-45um Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
dmA720-290gc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
dmA720-290gm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
dmA1440-73gc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
dmA1440-73gm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
dmA1920-51gc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
dmA1920-51gm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
puA1280-54uc Frame Start None ソフトウェア Trigger Activation機能はサポートされていません
puA1280-54um Frame Start None ソフトウェア Trigger Activation機能はサポートされていません
puA1600-60uc Frame Start None ソフトウェア Trigger Activation機能はサポートされていません
puA1600-60um Frame Start None ソフトウェア Trigger Activation機能はサポートされていません
puA1920-30uc Frame Start None ソフトウェア Trigger Activation機能はサポートされていません
puA1920-30um Frame Start None ソフトウェア Trigger Activation機能はサポートされていません
puA2500-14uc Frame Start None ソフトウェア Trigger Activation機能はサポートされていません
puA2500-14um Frame Start None ソフトウェア Trigger Activation機能はサポートされていません
r2L2048-29gc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L2048-58gm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L2048-62cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L2048-62g5c Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L2048-172cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L2048-172g5m Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L4096-14gc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L4096-29gm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L4096-42cc Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L4096-42g5c Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L4096-84cm Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L4096-84g5m Frame Start
Frame End
Frame Active
Frame Burst Start
Frame Burst End
Frame Burst Active
Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Action 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Counter 4 Active
Counter 4 End
Counter 4 Start
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Periodic Signal 1
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L8192-200cm Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low
r2L16384-120cm Exposure Start
Exposure End
Exposure Active
Line Start
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
CXP Trigger 0
CXP Trigger 1
Counter 1 Active
Counter 1 End
Counter 1 Start
Counter 2 Active
Counter 2 End
Counter 2 Start
Counter 2 Start
Counter 3 Active
Counter 3 End
Counter 3 Start
Timer 1 Active
Timer 1 End
Timer 2 Active
Timer 2 End
Software Signal 1
Software Signal 2
Software Signal 3
Encoder 1
Encoder Reverse 1
Frequency Converter
Rising Edge
Falling Edge
Any Edge
Level High
Level Low


// Enable triggered image acquisition for the Frame Start trigger
// Set the trigger source to Line 1
// Set the trigger activation mode to level high
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Enable triggered image acquisition for the Frame Start trigger
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "TriggerMode").SetValue("On");
// Set the trigger source to Line 1
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "TriggerSource").SetValue("Line1");
// Set the trigger activation mode to level high
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "TriggerActivation").SetValue("LevelHigh");
// Enable triggered image acquisition for the Frame Start trigger
// Set the trigger source to Line 1
// Set the trigger activation mode to level high
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK;  /* Return value of pylon methods */
/* Enable triggered image acquisition for the Frame Start trigger */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "TriggerMode", "On");
/* Set the trigger source to Line 1 */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "TriggerSource", "Line1");
/* Set the trigger activation mode to level high */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "TriggerActivation", "LevelHigh");
# Enable triggered image acquisition for the Frame Start trigger
camera.TriggerMode.Value = "On"
# Set the trigger source to Line 1
camera.TriggerSource.Value = "Line1"
# Set the trigger activation mode to level high
camera.TriggerActivation.Value = "LevelHigh"

pylon Viewerを使用して、パラメーターを簡単に設定することもできます。