Basler ace/ace 2 USB 3.0, dart USB 3.0, and pulse USB 3.0 Cameras#
To install a Basler ace/ace 2 USB 3.0, dart USB 3.0, or pulse USB 3.0 camera on a Windows computer, complete the installation process in the following order:
Basler ace/ace 2 GigE, dart M GigE, and racer 2 GigE Cameras#
To install a Basler ace/ace 2 GigE, dart M, or a racer 2 GigE camera on a Windows computer, complete the installation process in the following order:
- ソフトウェアのインストール(Windows)
- ハードウェアのインストール(GigEカメラ)
- ネットワークの設定(GigEカメラ)
- オプション:「ワイヤレスLANでBasler GigEカメラを使用する」
Basler CXP-12 Cameras#
Depending on whether you want to install a Basler CXP-12 camera on a Windows computer or on a Linux system, complete the installation process in the following order:
Basler CXP Line Scan Cameras and Frame Grabbers#
The Configuring CXP Line Scan Cameras and Frame Grabbers section provides information about setting up a CXP line scan camera with a frame grabber or an interface card.