When the camera is configured for free run image acquisition and continuous acquisition, knowing the resulting acquisition frame rate is useful if you want to optimize the frame rate for your imaging application. You can adjust the camera settings limiting the frame rate until the resulting acquisition frame rate reaches the desired value.
When the camera is configured for triggered image acquisition, knowing the resulting acquisition frame rate is useful if you want to trigger the camera as often as possible without overtriggering. You can calculate how long you must wait after each trigger signal by taking the reciprocal of the resulting acquisition frame rate: 1 / Resulting Acquisition Frame Rate.
Example: If the resulting acquisition frame rate is 12.5, you must wait for a minimum of 1/12.5 = 0.08 seconds after each trigger signal. Otherwise, the camera ignores the trigger signal and generates a Frame Start Overtrigger event.
To check the resulting acquisition frame rate, i.e., the estimated frame rate with the current camera settings, get the value of the ResultingFrameRateAbs parameter. The value is expressed in frames per second (fps).
On some camera models, the ResultingFramePeriod parameter is also available. It allows you to determine the resulting frame period, which is the reciprocal of the resulting frame rate (1 / frame rate).
Checking the resulting acquisition frame rate works when the camera is idle as well as when the camera is acquiring images.
If you want to check the resulting acquisition frame rate of Basler cameras that aren't connected to your computer at the moment, use the online Basler Frame Rate Calculator.
Camera Operation Mode:CameraOperationModeパラメーターが使用可能でLongExposureに設定されている場合、フレームレートは低下します。
Device Link Throughput:DeviceLinkThroughputLimitModeパラメーターが使用可能でOnに設定されている場合、データ送信に使用できる帯域幅をDeviceLinkThroughputLimitパラメーター値に制限します。これにより、フレームレートも制限されます。
// Get the resulting acquisition frame ratedoubled=camera.ResultingFrameRateAbs.GetValue();
INodeMap&nodemap=camera.GetNodeMap();// Get the resulting acquisition frame ratedoubled=CFloatParameter(nodemap,"ResultingFrameRateAbs").GetValue();
// Get the resulting acquisition frame ratedoubled=camera.Parameters[PLCamera.ResultingFrameRateAbs].GetValue();
/* Macro to check for errors */#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)GENAPIC_RESULTerrRes=GENAPI_E_OK;/* Return value of pylon methods */doubled=0;/* Get the resulting acquisition frame rate */errRes=PylonDeviceGetFloatFeature(hdev,"ResultingFrameRateAbs",&d);CHECK(errRes);
# Get the resulting acquisition frame rated=camera.ResultingFrameRateAbs.Value
ace Classic/U/L USB 3.0, dart Classic, and pulse Cameras#
// Get the resulting acquisition frame ratedoubled=camera.ResultingFrameRate.GetValue();
INodeMap&nodemap=camera.GetNodeMap();// Get the resulting acquisition frame ratedoubled=CFloatParameter(nodemap,"ResultingFrameRate").GetValue();
// Get the resulting acquisition frame ratedoubled=camera.Parameters[PLCamera.ResultingFrameRate].GetValue();
/* Macro to check for errors */#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)GENAPIC_RESULTerrRes=GENAPI_E_OK;/* Return value of pylon methods */doubled=0;/* Get the resulting acquisition frame rate */errRes=PylonDeviceGetFloatFeature(hdev,"ResultingFrameRate",&d);CHECK(errRes);
# Get the resulting acquisition frame rated=camera.ResultingFrameRate.Value
// Get the resulting acquisition frame ratedoubled=camera.BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate.GetValue();
INodeMap&nodemap=camera.GetNodeMap();// Get the resulting acquisition frame ratedoubled=CFloatParameter(nodemap,"BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate").GetValue();
// Get the resulting acquisition frame ratedoubled=camera.Parameters[PLCamera.BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate].GetValue();
/* Macro to check for errors */#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)GENAPIC_RESULTerrRes=GENAPI_E_OK;/* Return value of pylon methods */doubled=0;/* Get the resulting acquisition frame rate */errRes=PylonDeviceGetFloatFeature(hdev,"BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate",&d);CHECK(errRes);
# Get the resulting acquisition frame rated=camera.BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate.Value