
Line Overload Status#

Line Overload Statusカメラ機能を使用すると、GPIOラインが過負荷(つまり、電力供給が不適切)になっているかどうかを判断できます。


Line Overloadの原因#


If you don't apply the appropriate voltages, a line overload may occur. As long as the absolute maximum voltage of the camera is not exceeded, the camera can detect the overload and report it via the BslLineOverloadStatus parameter.



  1. Set the LineSelector parameter to the desired I/O line, e.g., Line1.
  2. Get the value of the BslLineOverloadStatus parameter. The parameter is read-only.

A value of false (0) means that the GPIO line is not overloaded.

A value of true (1) means that the GPIO line is overloaded. Check the configuration of your I/O lines.


To determine the overload status of all I/O lines in a single operation, read the BslLineOverloadStatusAll parameter. The parameter is reported as a 64-bit value.


The BslLineOverloadStatusAll parameter is only available via the pylon API, not via the pylon Viewer feature tree.


  • ビットが0の場合、関連付けられたラインは過負荷になりません。
  • ビットが1の場合、関連付けられたラインは過負荷になります。I/Oラインの設定を確認してください。


  • ビット0はLine1のステータスを示します。
  • ビット1はLine2のステータスを示します。
  • ビット2はLine3のステータスを示します。

Example:すべてのラインが高 = 0b111


If the Line Inverter feature is enabled, the camera inverts the BslLineOverloadStatusAll parameter value. All 0 bits change to 1, and vice versa.


ace 2, boost, and dart R Cameras#
// Select a line
// Determine the status of the selected line
bool status = camera.BslLineOverloadStatus.GetValue();
// Get the line overload status of all I/O lines
// Because the GenICam interface does not support
// 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value
int64_t lineOverloadStatusAll = camera.BslLineOverloadStatusAll.GetValue();
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Select a line
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "LineSelector").SetValue("Line1");
// Determine the status of the selected line
bool status = CBooleanParameter(nodemap, "BslLineOverloadStatus").GetValue();
// Get the line overload status of all I/O lines
// Because the GenICam interface does not support
// 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value
int64_t lineOverloadStatusAll = CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "BslLineOverloadStatusAll").GetValue();
// Select a line
// Determine the status of the selected line
bool status = camera.Parameters[PLCamera.BslLineOverloadStatus].GetValue();
// Get the line overload status of all I/O lines
// Because the GenICam interface does not support
// 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value
Int64 lineOverloadStatusAll = camera.Parameters[PLCamera.BslLineOverloadStatusAll].GetValue();
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK;  /* Return value of pylon methods */
_Bool status = false;
int64_t lineOverloadStatusAll = 0;
/* Select a line */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "LineSelector", "Line1");
/* Determine the status of the selected line */
errRes = PylonDeviceGetBooleanFeature(hdev, "BslLineOverloadStatus", &status);
/* Get the line overload status of all I/O lines */
/* Because the GenICam interface does not support */
/* 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value */
errRes = PylonDeviceGetIntegerFeature(hdev, "BslLineOverloadStatusAll", &lineOverloadStatusAll);
# Select a line
camera.LineSelector.Value = "Line1"
# Determine the status of the selected line
status = camera.BslLineOverloadStatus.Value
# Get the line overload status of all I/O lines
# Because the GenICam interface does not support
# 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value
lineOverloadStatusAll = camera.BslLineOverloadStatusAll.Value
// Select a line
// Determine the status of the selected line
bool status = camera.LineOverloadStatus.GetValue();
// Get the line overload status of all I/O lines
// Because the GenICam interface does not support
// 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value
int64_t lineOverloadStatusAll = camera.LineOverloadStatusAll.GetValue();
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Select a line
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "LineSelector").SetValue("Line1");
// Determine the status of the selected line
bool status = CBooleanParameter(nodemap, "LineOverloadStatus").GetValue();
// Get the line overload status of all I/O lines
// Because the GenICam interface does not support
// 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value
int64_t lineOverloadStatusAll = CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "LineOverloadStatusAll").GetValue();
// Select a line
// Determine the status of the selected line
bool status = camera.Parameters[PLCamera.LineOverloadStatus].GetValue();
// Get the line overload status of all I/O lines
// Because the GenICam interface does not support
// 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value
Int64 lineOverloadStatusAll = camera.Parameters[PLCamera.LineOverloadStatusAll].GetValue();
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK;  /* Return value of pylon methods */
_Bool status = false;
int64_t lineOverloadStatusAll = 0;
/* Select a line */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "LineSelector", "Line1");
/* Determine the status of the selected line */
errRes = PylonDeviceGetBooleanFeature(hdev, "LineOverloadStatus", &status);
/* Get the line overload status of all I/O lines */
/* Because the GenICam interface does not support */
/* 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value */
errRes = PylonDeviceGetIntegerFeature(hdev, "LineOverloadStatusAll", &lineOverloadStatusAll);
# Select a line
camera.LineSelector.Value = "Line1"
# Determine the status of the selected line
status = camera.LineOverloadStatus.Value
# Get the line overload status of all I/O lines
# Because the GenICam interface does not support
# 32-bit words, the line status is reported as a 64-bit value
lineOverloadStatusAll = camera.LineOverloadStatusAll.Value

pylon Viewerを使用して、パラメーターを簡単に設定することもできます。