
Line Source#

Line Sourceカメラ機能を使用すると、現在選択されているI/Oラインで出力する信号を設定できます。




  • I/Oコネクターのピン番号付けとピン割り当てについては、お使いのカメラのトピックを参照してください。カメラのトピックは、「モデル」セクションにあります。
  • カメラはすべての出力信号を短い伝播遅延を伴って送信します。遅延は通常マイクロ秒の範囲です。


Line Sourceの設定#


  1. パラメーターを LineSelector parameter to an I/O line configured as output, e.g., Line2.
  2. パラメーターを LineSource 次のいずれかの値(使用している場合)に設定します

使用可能なLine Source信号#


Acquisition Active#

使用可能な場合は、Acquisition Active信号を使用して、カメラが現在画像を取得しているかどうかを監視できます。取得開始時に信号が高になります。取得が終了すると信号が低になります。

取得には露光と読み出しが含まれています。したがって、露光中および読み出し中はAcquisition Active信号が高になり、露光中にのみExposure Active信号が高になります。

Counter Active#

可能な場合は、カメラの「Counter Active」信号(例えば、Counter1 Active)を使用してカメラのCounter機能を監視できます。カウンターが始動すると、信号は高になります。カウンターが停止リセット、または最大値に達すると、信号は低になります。

Exposure Active#

使用可能な場合は、Exposure Active信号を使用して、カメラが現在露光しているかどうかを監視できます。露光が開始すると、信号は高くなります。露光が終了すると信号は低くなります。Rollingシャッターカメラでは、最後の行の撮影が終了すると信号が低くなります。

Exposure Active信号を使用して、フラッシュをトリガーできます。

この信号は、カメラまたは対象物のいずれかが移動している場合にも役立ちます。例えば、カメラがアーム機構に取り付けられており、アーム機構によってカメラが製品アセンブリーの別のセクションに移動されるとします。通常、露光中にカメラを動かしたくありません。この場合、Exposure Active信号を監視して、いつ露光が行われているかを確認できます。これにより、露光中にカメラを動かさないようにすることができます。

Flash Window#

使用可能な場合、Flash Window信号を使用して、フラッシュ照明を使用するタイミングを決定できます。フラッシュ照明を開始できるようになると、信号は高になります。フラッシュ照明を停止する必要がある場合、信号は低になります。


In addition, the following parameters are available to monitor the flash window (ace 2, boost R, and dart R cameras only):

  • BslFlashWindowDelay: Indicates the delay between the start of exposure and the start of the flash window. This parameter is read-only.
  • BslFlashWindowDuration: Indicates the width of the flash window in microseconds. This parameter is read-only.


次の図は、RollingシャッターカメラでのFlash Window信号のタイミングを表しています。

RollingシャッターカメラでのFlash Window信号

上に示したように、Rollingシャッターカメラでは、Flash Window信号は、最後の行(A)の露出開始から最初の行(B)の露光終了までの時間をカバーします。

If available, you can use the BslFlashWindowDuration parameter to determine the length of the Flash Window in microseconds.


フラッシュウィンドウの長さ = Exposure Time - [ (t x(Image ROI高さ - 1)]


Rollingシャッターカメラでは、極端に短い露光時間または極端に大きい画像ROIは避けてください。そうしなければ、最初の行の露光時間が、最後の行の露光が開始する前に終了することがあります。つまり、(B)が(A)より前に発生します。この場合、Flash Window信号が常に低くなります。

Invalid Flash Window Signal

Global Reset Releaseシャッターカメラ#

Global Reset Releaseシャッターカメラでは、フラッシュライティングを使用する必要があります。そうしなければ、行の露光時間が異なるため、取得した各画像の明るさが上から下まで大きく変化する可能性があります。また、物体の画像を撮影する場合、各行で異なる露光終了時間により時間的なずれが発生するため、画像が歪むことがあります。

次の図は、Global Reset ReleaseシャッターカメラのFlash Window信号のタイミングを表しています。

Global Reset ReleaseシャッターカメラでのFlash Window信号

上に示すように、Global Reset Releaseシャッターカメラでは、Flash Window信号は最初の行の露光時間全体に及びます。


Globalシャッターカメラでは、Flash Window信号は使用できないか、またはExposure Active信号に相当します。

Frame Burst Active#

使用可能な場合、Frame Burst Active信号を使用して、カメラが現在一連の画像(画像の「バースト」)を取得しているかどうかを監視できます。一連の画像の取得が初期化されると、信号は高になります。一連の画像の取得が終了すると、信号は低になります。

Serial Tx#

使用可能な場合は、Serial Tx信号を使用して、Serial Communication機能を使用することでシリアルデータを出力できます。

Sync User Output#

使用可能な場合、Sync User Output信号を使用すると、Sequencer機能を使用してラインのステータスを手動で設定できます。

Sync User Output信号は、User Output信号と似ています。唯一の違いは、Sync User Output信号がSequencer機能によって制御できるのに対して、User Outputは制御できないという点です。

Sync User Output 信号に関連するパラメーターも、User Outputパラメーターに類似しています。

  • イメージ SyncUserOutputValue parameter is the equivalent of the UserOutputValue parameter.
  • イメージ SyncUserOutputValueAll parameter is the equivalent of the UserOutputValueAll parameter.
  • イメージ SyncUserOutputSelector parameter is the equivalent of the UserOutputSelector parameter.

Timer Active#

カメラの「Timer Active」信号(Timer 1 Activeなど)を使用して、カメラのTimer機能を監視できます。指定された遅延時間が経過すると、信号は高になります。指定された継続時間が経過すると、信号は低になります。


イメージ TimerStatus parameter, which is available on some camera models, can also take a value named TimerActive. However, this Timer Active status is different from the Timer Active signal: The signal is only high during the timer's duration, whereas the Timer Active status applies from the beginning of the timer delay until the end of the timer arm delay.

Trigger Wait#

You can use the camera's "Trigger Wait" signals, e.g., Frame Trigger Wait or Line Trigger Wait, to optimize triggered image acquisition and to avoid overtriggering.


Trigger Wait信号は、カメラが対応するトリガータイプのトリガー信号を受信する準備ができると高になります。対応するトリガー信号を適用すると、Trigger Wait信号は低になります。カメラが次の対応するトリガー信号を受信する準備が整うまで、この信号は低のままです。

Example: The Frame Trigger Wait signal goes high when the camera is ready to receive Frame Start trigger signals. When you apply a frame trigger signal, the signal goes low. It stays low until the camera is ready to receive the next Frame Start trigger signal:

Frame Trigger Wait Signal


画像取得がオーバーラップしているカメラを操作し、カメラモデルでExposure Overlap Time Max機能を使用できる場合は、その機能を使用してFrame Trigger Wait信号を最適化できます。

User Output#

ソフトウェアごとにラインのステータスを設定できます。これは、光源などの外部イベントやデバイスを制御する場合に便利です。詳細については、User Output Value機能を参照してください。

出力ラインの設定方法は、お使いのカメラモデルで使用できるUser Outputラインソースの数によって異なります。

Configuration: One User Output Line Source Available#

使用可能なUser Outputラインソースが1つだけの場合(「User Output」):

  1. パラメーターを LineSelector parameter to Out1.
  2. パラメーターを LineSource parameter to UserOutput.

これで、User Output Value機能を使用して、ソフトウェアごとにラインのステータスを設定できるようになります。

Configuration: Multiple User Output Line Sources Available#

複数のUser Outputラインソースが使用可能な場合(例:「User Output 1」および「User Output 2」):

  1. パラメーターを LineSelector parameter to the desired output line, e.g., Line2.
  2. カメラにユーザー出力信号割り当てがある場合:

    • パラメーターを LineSource parameter according to the signal assignment.
      例: Assume that you selected Line 2 in step 1 and that the signal assignment is "User Output 1 → Line 2". In this case, you must set the LineSource parameter to UserOutput1.
  3. カメラにユーザー出力信号割り当てがない場合、つまり、信号が自由に選択できる場合:

    • パラメーターを LineSource parameter to the desired line source, e.g., UserOutput1.

これで、User Output Value機能を使用して、ソフトウェアごとにラインのステータスを設定できるようになります。



カメラモデル 使用可能なLine Source User Output Signal Assignment
a2A640-240gmSWIR Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A640-240umSWIR Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A1280-80gmSWIR Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A1280-125umSWIR Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A1920-51gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A1920-51gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A1920-51gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A1920-51gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A1920-160ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A1920-160ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A1920-160umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A1920-160umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A1920-165g5cBAS Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A1920-165g5mBAS Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2048-35gmSWIR Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-37gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-37gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-37gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-37gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-110umSWIR Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-114g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-114g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-114ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-114ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-114umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2048-114umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2440-98g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2440-98g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2448-23gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2448-23gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2448-23gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2448-23gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2448-75ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2448-75ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2448-75umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2448-75umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2448-105g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2448-105g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2448-120cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2448-120cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2448-210cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2448-210cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2560-20gmSWIR Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2560-70umSWIR Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2590-22gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2590-22gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2590-22gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2590-22gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2590-60ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2590-60ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2590-60umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2590-60umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2600-20gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2600-20gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2600-20gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2600-20gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2600-64ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2600-64ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2600-64umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2600-64umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2840-14gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2840-14gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2840-14gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2840-14gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2840-14gmUV Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2840-48ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2840-48ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2840-48umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2840-48umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2840-48umUV Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2840-67g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2840-67g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A2840-67g5mUV Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2840-86cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A2840-86cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A3536-9gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3536-9gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A3536-9gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3536-9gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A3536-31ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3536-31ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A3536-31umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3536-31umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A3536-42g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3536-42g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3840-13gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3840-13gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A3840-13gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3840-13gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A3840-45ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3840-45ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A3840-45umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A3840-45umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4096-9gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4096-9gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4096-9gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4096-9gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4096-30ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4096-30ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4096-30umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4096-30umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4096-44g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4096-44g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4096-67cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4096-67cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4200-12gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4200-12gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4200-12gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4200-12gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4200-40ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4200-40ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4200-40umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4200-40umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4504-5gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4504-5gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4504-5gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4504-5gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4504-18ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4504-18ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4504-18umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4504-18umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4504-27g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4504-27g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4504-42cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4504-42cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4508-6gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4508-6gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4508-6gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4508-6gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4508-20ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4508-20ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A4508-20umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A4508-20umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5060-4gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5060-4gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5060-15ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5060-15umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5060-21g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5060-21g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5320-7gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5320-7gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5320-7gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5320-7gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5320-23ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5320-23ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5320-23umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5320-23umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5320-34g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5320-34g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5320-52cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5320-52cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5328-4gcBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5328-4gcPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5328-4gmBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5328-4gmPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5328-15ucBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5328-15ucPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5328-15umBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5328-15umPRO Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5328-22g5cBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5328-22g5mBAS Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
a2A5328-35cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
a2A5328-35cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
acA640-121gm Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Aquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> line 3
acA640-300gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA640-300gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA640-750uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA640-750um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA720-290gc Exposure Time
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Time 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA720-290gm Exposure Time
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Time 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA720-520uc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA720-520um Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA800-200gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Time Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA800-200gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Time Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA800-510uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA800-510um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1280-60gc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1280-60gm Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1300-60gc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1300-60gm Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1300-60gmNIR Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1300-75gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA1300-75gm Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1300-200uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1300-200um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1440-73gc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA1440-73gm Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA1440-220uc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1440-220um Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1600-20gc Exposure Time
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1600-20uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1600-60gc Exposure Time
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1600-60gm Exposure Time
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1920-25gc Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1920-25gm Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA1920-25uc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-25um Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-40gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA1920-40gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA1920-40uc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-40ucMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-40um Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 → Line 2
User Output 2 → Line 3
User Output 3 → Line 4
acA1920-40umMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-48gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA1920-48gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA1920-50gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA1920-50gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA1920-150uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-150um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-155uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-155ucMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-155um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA1920-155umMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2000-50gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA2000-50gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA2000-165uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2000-165um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2040-25gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA2040-25gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA2040-25gmNIR Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA2040-35gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA2040-35gm Exposure Time
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA2040-55uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2040-55um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2040-90uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2040-90um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2040-90umNIR Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2040-120uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2040-120um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2440-20gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA2440-20gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA2440-35uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2440-35ucMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2440-35um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2440-35umMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2440-75uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2440-75ucMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2440-75um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2440-75umMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2500-14gc Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA2500-14gm Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA2500-14uc Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2500-14um Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2500-20gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA2500-20gcMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA2500-20gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA2500-20gmMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA2500-60uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA2500-60um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA3088-16gc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA3088-16gm Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA3088-57uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA3088-57ucMED Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA3088-57um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA3088-57umMED Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA3800-10gc Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA3800-10gm Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer Active
User Output
Sync User Output
User Output -> Out 1
acA3800-14uc Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA3800-14um Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4024-8gc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA4024-8gm Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA4024-29uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4024-29um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4096-11gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA4096-11gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA4096-30uc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4096-30ucMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 → Line 2
User Output 2 → Line 3
User Output 3 → Line 4
acA4096-30um Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4096-30umMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4096-40uc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4096-40ucMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4096-40um Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4096-40umMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4112-8gc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA4112-8gm Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA4112-20uc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4112-20ucMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4112-20um Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4112-20umMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4112-30uc Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4112-30ucMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4112-30um Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA4112-30umMED Exposure Active
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 → Line 2
User Output 2 → Line 3
User Output 3 → Line 4
acA5472-5gc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA5472-5gm Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Acquisition Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
Sync User Output 1, Sync User Output
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
acA5472-17uc Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA5472-17ucMED Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA5472-17um Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
acA5472-17umMED Exposure Active
Flash Window
Frame Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
User Output 1 -> Line 2
User Output 2 -> Line 3
User Output 3 -> Line 4
boA1936-400cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA1936-400cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA2448-250cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA2448-250cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA2832-190cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA2832-190cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4096-93cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4096-93cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4096-180cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4096-180cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4112-68cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4112-68cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4500-45cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4500-45cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4504-100cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA4504-100cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA5120-150cc Exposure Active N/A
boA5120-150cm Exposure Active N/A
boA5120-230cc Exposure Active N/A
boA5120-230cm Exposure Active N/A
boA5320-150cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA5320-150cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA5328-100cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA5328-100cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA6500-36cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA6500-36cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA8100-16cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA8100-16cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
boA9344-30cc Exposure Active N/A
boA9344-30cm Exposure Active N/A
boA9344-70cc Exposure Active N/A
boA9344-70cm Exposure Active N/A
boA13440-17cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
daA720-520uc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
daA720-520um Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
daA1280-54uc Exposure Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 1
User Output 2 -> Line 2
daA1280-54um Exposure Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 1
User Output 2 -> Line 2
daA1440-220uc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
daA1440-220um Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
daA1600-60uc Exposure Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 1
User Output 2 -> Line 2
daA1600-60um Exposure Active
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 1
User Output 2 -> Line 2
daA1920-15um Flash Window
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 1
User Output 2 -> Line 2
daA1920-30uc Flash Window
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 1
User Output 2 -> Line 2
daA1920-30um Flash Window
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 1
User Output 2 -> Line 2
daA1920-160uc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
daA1920-160um Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
daA2448-70uc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
daA2448-70um Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
daA2500-14uc Flash Window
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 1
User Output 2 -> Line 2
daA2500-14um Flash Window
User Output 1, User Output 2
User Output 1 -> Line 1
User Output 2 -> Line 2
daA3840-45uc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
daA3840-45um Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3、User Output 4
dmA720-290gc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA720-290gm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA1440-73gc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA1440-73gm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA1920-51gc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA1920-51gm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA2448-23gc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA2448-23gm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA2840-14gc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA2840-14gm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA3536-9gc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA3536-9gm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA4096-9gc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
dmA4096-9gm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active、Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Flash Window
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Frame Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active、Timer 2 Active
User Output 1、User Output 2、User Output 3
puA1280-54uc Line Source機能はサポートされていません Line Source機能はサポートされていません
puA1280-54um Line Source機能はサポートされていません Line Source機能はサポートされていません
puA1600-60uc Line Source機能はサポートされていません Line Source機能はサポートされていません
puA1600-60um Line Source機能はサポートされていません Line Source機能はサポートされていません
puA1920-30uc Line Source機能はサポートされていません Line Source機能はサポートされていません
puA1920-30um Line Source機能はサポートされていません Line Source機能はサポートされていません
puA2500-14uc Line Source機能はサポートされていません Line Source機能はサポートされていません
puA2500-14um Line Source機能はサポートされていません Line Source機能はサポートされていません
r2L2048-29gc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L2048-58gm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L2048-62cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L2048-62g5c Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L2048-172cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L2048-172g5m Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L4096-14gc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L4096-29gm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L4096-42cc Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L4096-42g5c Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L4096-84cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L4096-84g5m Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active, Counter 3 Active, Counter 4 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Frame Active
Frame Burst Active
Frame Burst Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L8192-200cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3
r2L16384-120cm Acquisition Active
Counter 1 Active, Counter 2 Active
Exposure Active
Exposure Trigger Wait
Line Trigger Wait
Serial Tx
Timer 1 Active, Timer 2 Active
User Output 1, User Output 2, User Output 3


// Select Line 2 (output line)
// Select the Exposure Active signal as the source signal for Line 2
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Select Line 2 (output line)
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "LineSelector").SetValue("Line2");
// Select the Exposure Active signal as the source signal for Line 2
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "LineSource").SetValue("ExposureActive");
// Select Line 2 (output line)
// Select the Exposure Active signal as the source signal for Line 2
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK;  /* Return value of pylon methods */
/* Select Line 2 (output line) */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "LineSelector", "Line2");
/* Select the Exposure Active signal as the source signal for Line 2 */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "LineSource", "ExposureActive");
# Select Line 2 (output line)
camera.LineSelector.Value = "Line2"
# Select the Exposure Active signal as the source signal for Line 2
camera.LineSource.Value = "ExposureActive"

pylon Viewerを使用して、パラメーターを簡単に設定することもできます。