
I/O Control of racer 2 L Cameras#

Basler racer 2 L cameras are equipped with three differential GPIO lines, which are designated as Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3.

The GPIO lines are designed to accept RS-422 differential signals, but they can also be used with low voltage TTL signals. Each GPIO line can be configured to work as an input or as an output.

  • 外部回路をGPIOラインに接続する前に、Line Mode機能を使用してラインを入力または出力用に設定します。
  • 以下に指定されたとおりに、適切な入力または出力信号電圧を印加してください。
  • Make sure the cable and plug you connect to the 12-pin receptacle follows the correct pin assignment. In particular, don't use a pin assignment that would be correct for Basler area scan cameras. The 12-pin receptacles of Basler line scan and area scan cameras are electrically incompatible.


Using the Input Lines with RS-422#

The following diagram shows a typical circuit when each input line is designed to receive an RS-422 signal. For the camera’s I/O circuitry to operate properly, supply a ground as shown below. Enabling the 120 Ω termination resistor ensures signal integrity.

GPIO Line Circuit Diagram with the GPIO Lines Set as an Input Receiving an RS-422 Signal

Using the Input Lines with LVTTL#

The following diagram shows a typical circuit when receiving an LVTTL (Low Voltage Transistor Transistor Logic) signal. For this purpose, the LVTTL signal must be applied to the positive (+) input pin of the camera. The termination resistor must be disabled.

GPIO Line Circuit Diagram with one GPIO Line Set as an Input Receiving an LVTTL Signal


The following voltage requirements apply to the camera’s I/O input (pin 4 in the example above) when using LVTTL.

電圧 説明
0–5.0 VDC 安全動作範囲。
0–0.8VDC 論理0を示しています。
0.8–2.0VDCより大きい Region where the logic level transition occurs. The logical state is not defined in this region.
2.0VDCより大きい 論理1を示しています。
6.0 VDC 絶対最大電圧。


Using the Output Lines with RS-422#

The following diagram shows a typical circuit when each output line is designed to transmit an RS-422 signal. For the camera’s I/O circuitry to operate properly, supply a ground as shown below.

GPIO Line Circuit Diagram with the GPIO Lines Set as an Output Transmitting an RS-422 Signal

Using the Output Lines with LVTTL#

The following diagram shows a typical circuit when transmitting an LVTTL signal. A low signal is indicated by a camera output voltage near zero, a high signal is indicated by an output voltage of approximately 3.3 VDC. These voltages are within the typically specified levels for low voltage TTL devices.
For the camera’s I/O circuitry to operate properly, supply a ground as shown below. The termination resistor must be disabled.

GPIO Line Circuit Diagram with the GPIO Line Set as an Output Transmitting an LVTTL Signal