

Basler blazeカメラには、2本の高速光結合I/Oラインが装備されています。

input lineを使用すると、カメラを制御できます。例えば、特定の時点で画像キャプチャーをトリガーできます。output lineを使用すると、例えば、画像キャプチャーの進行中などに、カメラに関する情報を取得できます。


blaze cameras provide one opto-coupled input line and one opto-coupled output line:

  • Line0 is preconfigured as the input line of the camera.
  • Line1 is preconfigured as the output line of the camera.


Opto-Coupled Input Line#




Opto-Coupled Output Line#






電圧 説明
30 VDC 絶対最大電圧。
DC 0~24V 安全な動作範囲
0-1.4VDC 論理0
>2.2 VDC 論理1
  • 最小電流:5mA
  • 標準電流:5-15mA
  • Typical response time (trigger to FrameActive): <300 µs
  • 最大応答時間(FrameActiveへのトリガー):500µs



電圧 説明
30 VDC 絶対最大電圧
DC 3.3~24V 安全な動作範囲
  • 最大電流:50mA
  • Leakage current: <60 µA




イメージ DigitalIOControl feature category contains various features for configuring and monitoring I/O line operation.

Line Selector#

The Line Selector feature allows you to select the I/O line that you want to configure. To select a line, set the LineSelector parameter to the desired I/O line, e.g., Line1.

Line Status#


  1. パラメーターを LineSelector parameter to Line0 for the input line or Line1 for the output line.
  2. Get the value of the LineStatus parameter.

A value of false (0) means that the line status was low at the time of polling. A value of true (1) means that the line status was high at the time of polling.

Line Logic#


  1. パラメーターを LineSelector parameter to Line0 for the input line or Line1 for the output line.
  2. Get the value of the LineLogic parameter.

Line Source(出力ラインのみ)#

The output line Line1 can be configured to provide different signals via the LineSource parameter. This allows you to monitor the status of the camera or to control external devices.


  1. パラメーターを LineSelector parameter to Line1.
  2. パラメーターを LineSource パラメーターを次のいずれかの値に設定します。
    • Off: The line is always low.
    • UserOutput0: The line is set to the value of the UserOutputValue parameter of UserOutput0.
    • FrameActive: The signal is high while the camera is acquiring all the subframes needed for a depth map.
    • FrameTriggerWait: The signal is high when the camera is ready to receive trigger signals of the corresponding trigger type.

You can use the FrameActive signal to monitor whether the camera is currently exposing. The signal goes high when image acquisition of the first subframe starts and goes low when acquisition of the last subframe ends. This also allows you to use the FrameActive signal to synchronize multiple cameras and external devices.

In addition, you can use the FrameTriggerWait signal to find the right moment for triggering your flash if you're using one.

The following drawing illustrates the timing.

Line Source Example

例: If an object on a conveyor belt is moved into the camera's field of view for inspection, the conveyor belt should not move while the FrameActive signal is high to avoid motion artifacts.


Line Inverter#

イメージ LineInverter parameter inverts the electrical signal level of an I/O line, i.e., its line status from high to low or vice versa.


  1. パラメーターを LineSelector parameter to the desired I/O line.
  2. パラメーターを LineInverter parameter to true to invert the electrical signal level of the I/O line selected or to false to disable inversion.

例: If the input line Line0 is configured as a trigger input source, inverting the signal level means that the trigger will come at the falling edge of the trigger signal instead of on the rising edge.

For the output line Line1, the level of the selected output signal is inverted.

User Output#

イメージ UserOutput parameter allows you to manually control the status of the output line. Only a single user output is available.


  1. パラメーターを LineSelector parameter to Line1.
  2. パラメーターを LineSource parameter to UserOutput0.
  3. パラメーターを UserOutputSelector parameter to UserOutput0.
  4. パラメーターを UserOutputValue パラメーターを目的の値に設定するには:
    • true: Line status is high (1).
    • false: Line status is low (0).

Changes of the UserOutputValue parameter will be visible immediately on the output line.


カメラはfree runおよびtriggered modeで操作できます。

free runでは、カメラは、設定されたフレームレート(デフォルト値または[AcquisitionFrameRate]パラメーターで指定された値)に従って内部的にトリガーされます。

[free run]モード中は、Precision Time ProtocolおよびSynchronous Free Runの機能を使用して、複数のカメラのトリガーを同期できます。

In triggered mode, an external trigger source is used to trigger the camera, e.g., via software trigger or via hardware trigger (using input line Line0).

The trigger is always a FrameTrigger, i.e., it triggers the acquisition of a single frame in the current operating mode.



  1. パラメーターを TriggerSelector parameter to FrameStart.
  2. パラメーターを TriggerMode parameter to Off.



New trigger signals are ignored until the camera is ready for triggering again. The minimum time between two trigger signals depends on the operating mode of the camera (i.e., the maximum allowed frame rate), the characteristics of the I/O signal, and the processing time required for processing the I/O signal. You can use the FrameTriggerWait signal to find out when the camera is ready to receive trigger signals.

When the camera detects an overtrigger, the LastError parameter will show error code 1.



  1. パラメーターを TriggerSelector parameter to FrameStart.
  2. パラメーターを TriggerSource parameter to Software.
  3. パラメーターを TriggerMode parameter to On.
  4. Trigger a single frame with TriggerSoftware.
    A single depth map is now grabbed, processed, and delivered to the client software.




  1. パラメーターを TriggerSelector parameter to FrameStart.
  2. パラメーターを TriggerSource parameter to Line0.
  3. パラメーターを TriggerMode parameter to On.
    Images are triggered on the rising edge of Line0 (if the LineInverter parameter is set to false) or the falling edge (if the LineInverter parameter is true). The image is sent to the host computer after it has been grabbed and processed by the camera.
