
Distortion Correction#

Distortion Correction機能は、画像の光学的歪みを自動的に補正します。




All Basler blaze cameras are calibrated at the Basler factory. The calibration includes the DistortionCorrection parameter. When enabled, this feature automatically removes any distortion effects. The feature uses the distortion coefficients of the Brown-Conrady model that allow correction of both radial and tangential distortion.


Depending on the camera model, different mapping functions are used for the correction.

The blaze-101 and blaze-102 use the distortion coefficients of the Brown-Conrady model. The radial distortions are corrected using the following two coefficients:

xd = (1 + k1r2 + k2r4) * xu

where r is the distance to the principal point

For the blaze-112, the general camera model for wide-angle and fisheye lenses is used. Four coefficients are used here. These are sufficient to map the projection curves with acceptable accuracy.

r(θ) = θ + k1θ3 + k2θ5 + k3θ7 + k4θ9

The distortion coefficients are specific to each camera and can be read out via the Scan3dDistortionCoefficientSelector and Scan3dDistortionCoefficientValue parameters if distortion correction is disabled.

Distortion Correctionを無効にします#

If you prefer to correct distortion effects yourself, disable the DistortionCorrection parameter.

pylon補足パッケージblazeには、この手順を説明するDistortion Correctionサンプルが含まれており、補正された点群の計算方法について説明しています。