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PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum Class#

Sets the test image to display.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Inheritance Hierarchy#



Public methodPLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum class


Public propertyBlack

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit black test images.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyColorBar

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a color bar pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyDeviceSpecific

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a camera specific pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyFixedDiagonalGrayGradient_8Bit

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with an 8 bit fixed diagonal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyFrameCounter

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a frame counter pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyGreyHorizontalRamp

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a fixed horizontal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyGreyHorizontalRampMoving

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving horizontal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyGreyVerticalRamp

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a fixed vertical gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyGreyVerticalRampMoving

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving vertical gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyHorzontalLineMoving

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving horizontal line pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyMovingDiagonalColorGradient

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving diagonal color gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyMovingDiagonalGrayGradient_12Bit

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a 12 bit moving diagonal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyMovingDiagonalGrayGradient_8Bit

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with an 8 bit moving diagonal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyMovingDiagonalGrayGradientFeatureTest_12Bit

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a 12 bit moving diagonal gray gradient feature test pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyMovingDiagonalGrayGradientFeatureTest_8Bit

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with an 8 bit moving diagonal gray gradient feature test pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyName The full name of TestImageSelector (Overrides ParameterListEnum.Name.)
Public propertyOff

The camera doesn't display a test image.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Public propertyTestimage1

The camera generates a test image with the test image 1 pattern.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Public propertyTestimage2

The camera generates a test image with the test image 2 pattern.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Public propertyTestimage3

The camera generates a test image with the test image 3 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Public propertyTestimage4

The camera generates a test image with the test image 4 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Public propertyTestimage5

The camera generates a test image with the test image 5 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Public propertyTestimage6

The camera generates a test image with the test image 6 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Public propertyTestimage7

The camera generates a test image with the test image 7 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyVerticalLineMoving

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving vertical line pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyWhite

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit white test images.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE



Public methodToString The full name of TestImageSelector (Overrides Object.ToString()()()().)

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.ToString Method#

The full name of TestImageSelector

Return Value#

Type: String
Returns the full name of TestImageSelector

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum Constructor#

Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum class

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Black Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit black test images.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.ColorBar Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a color bar pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.DeviceSpecific Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a camera specific pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.FixedDiagonalGrayGradient_8Bit Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with an 8 bit fixed diagonal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.FrameCounter Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a frame counter pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.GreyHorizontalRamp Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a fixed horizontal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.GreyHorizontalRampMoving Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving horizontal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.GreyVerticalRamp Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a fixed vertical gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.GreyVerticalRampMoving Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving vertical gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.HorzontalLineMoving Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving horizontal line pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.MovingDiagonalColorGradient Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving diagonal color gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.MovingDiagonalGrayGradientFeatureTest_12Bit Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a 12 bit moving diagonal gray gradient feature test pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.MovingDiagonalGrayGradientFeatureTest_8Bit Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with an 8 bit moving diagonal gray gradient feature test pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.MovingDiagonalGrayGradient_12Bit Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a 12 bit moving diagonal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.MovingDiagonalGrayGradient_8Bit Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with an 8 bit moving diagonal gray gradient pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Name Property#

The full name of TestImageSelector

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Off Property#

The camera doesn't display a test image.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Testimage1 Property#

The camera generates a test image with the test image 1 pattern.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Testimage2 Property#

The camera generates a test image with the test image 2 pattern.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Testimage3 Property#

The camera generates a test image with the test image 3 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Testimage4 Property#

The camera generates a test image with the test image 4 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Testimage5 Property#

The camera generates a test image with the test image 5 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Testimage6 Property#

The camera generates a test image with the test image 6 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.Testimage7 Property#

The camera generates a test image with the test image 7 pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.VerticalLineMoving Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit test images with a moving vertical line pattern.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.TestImageSelectorEnum.White Property#

This enumeration value sets the camera to generate and transmit white test images.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE