
Image Stitcher vTool#

The Image Stitcher vTool allows you to stitch two images together to create a larger image.

You can stitch images horizontally or vertically. You can also specify horizontal and vertical offsets to create image-in-image effects or arrange the images diagonally. The image at the Image2 input pin appears in front of the other image in case of overlap. The offsets also only apply to image 2. The input images must have the same pixel format.

You can combine images from the same input source, e.g., one Camera vTool, or from two input sources, e.g., two Camera vTools. If you have two input sources, you have to synchronize these inputs using the Data Synchronizer vTool. Otherwise, errors may occur sporadically because the inputs aren't in synch and therefore can't be combined properly.

Image Stitcher vTool



Accepts images directly from a Camera vTool or any other vTool that outputs images.


Accepts images directly from a Camera vTool or any other vTool that outputs images.



Returns the combined image in the same pixel format but with larger dimensions than the input images.

サポートされているPixel Format#

The following pixel formats are supported natively:

  • Mono 8
  • Mono 16
  • Bayer XX 8
  • Bayer XX 16
  • RGB 8
  • BGR 8