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PLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum Class#

Enables or disables the shaft encoder rollback compensation. This parameter is relevant in case of a shaft encoder AB configuration. If switched to ON, in case of shaft encoder backward movement, the operator counts how many shaft encoder steps the shaft encoder moves backwards. When the shaft encoder moves forwards again, this number of shaft encoder steps (now forward direction) is not transmitted as external trigger signals. Only after the transportation belt is back to the place where the backward movement started, the shaft encoder steps (forward direction) are transmitted as external trigger signals again. If switched to OFF, the operator simply doesn't transmit any trigger signals as long as the transportation belt moves backwards. As soon as the transport belt starts to move forwards again, the operator transmits the shaft encoder steps (forward direction) as trigger signals.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Inheritance Hierarchy#



Public methodPLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum Initializes a new instance of the PLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum class


Public propertyName The full name of ShaftEncoderCompensationEnable (Overrides ParameterListEnum.Name.)
Public propertyOff

The trigger queue mode is disabled.

Applies to: CoaXPress

Public propertyOn

The trigger queue mode is enabled.

Applies to: CoaXPress



Public methodToString The full name of ShaftEncoderCompensationEnable (Overrides Object.ToString()()()().)

PLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum.ToString Method#

The full name of ShaftEncoderCompensationEnable

Return Value#

Type: String
Returns the full name of ShaftEncoderCompensationEnable

PLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum Constructor#

Initializes a new instance of the PLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum class

PLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum.Name Property#

The full name of ShaftEncoderCompensationEnable

PLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum.Off Property#

The trigger queue mode is disabled.

Applies to: CoaXPress

PLTransportLayer.ShaftEncoderCompensationEnableEnum.On Property#

The trigger queue mode is enabled.

Applies to: CoaXPress