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Module: Image Handling Support

Describes the data of one pixel.

#include <pylon/PixelData.h>

Public Types#

enum EPixelDataType

Public Functions#

Construct and clear.
bool operator==(const SPixelData & rhs)
Compares pixel data.
bool operator!=(const SPixelData & rhs)
Compares pixel data.

Public Attributes#

EPixelDataType PixelDataType
The type of pixel data held.
uint32_t BitDepth
The bit depth of the data held.
int Mono
Pixel data of monochrome images.
int BayerR
Pixel data of a red pixel of bayer images.
int BayerG
Pixel data of a green pixel of bayer images.
int BayerB
Pixel data of a blue pixel of bayer images.
int R
int G
struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@1 BiColorRG
Pixel data of a red green bicolor pixel pair.
int B
struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@2 BiColorBG
Pixel data of a blue green bicolor pixel pair.
int Y
int U
Chroma U.
int V
Chroma V.
struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@3 YUV
Pixel data of YUV images.
struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@4 RGB
Pixel data of RGB or BGR images.
int A
struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@5 RGBA
Pixel data of RGB or BGR images with an alpha channel.
union Pylon::SPixelData::@0 Data
Holds all types of pixel data.

Public Types Documentation#

enum EPixelDataType#

Enumerator Value Description
PixelDataType_Unknown Will be returned, if the pixel data cannot be determined.
PixelDataType_Mono Pixel data of monochrome images.
PixelDataType_YUV Pixel data of YUV images.
PixelDataType_RGB Pixel data of RGB or BGR images.
PixelDataType_RGBA Pixel data of RGB or BGR images with alpha channel.
PixelDataType_BayerR Pixel data of a red pixel of bayer images.
PixelDataType_BayerG Pixel data of a green pixel of bayer images.
PixelDataType_BayerB Pixel data of a blue pixel of bayer images.
PixelDataType_BiColorRG Pixel data of a red green bicolor pixel pair.
PixelDataType_BiColorBG Pixel data of a blue green bicolor pixel pair.

Lists the possible pixel data types. Do not confound this enumeration with the Pylon::PixelType enumeration that lists all pixel formats.

Public Functions Documentation#

function SPixelData#

inline SPixelData()

Construct and clear.

function operator==#

inline bool operator==(
    const SPixelData & rhs

Compares pixel data.

function operator!=#

inline bool operator!=(
    const SPixelData & rhs

Compares pixel data.

Public Attributes Documentation#

variable PixelDataType#

EPixelDataType PixelDataType;

The type of pixel data held.

variable BitDepth#

uint32_t BitDepth;

The bit depth of the data held.

variable Mono#

int Mono;

Pixel data of monochrome images.

variable BayerR#

int BayerR;

Pixel data of a red pixel of bayer images.

variable BayerG#

int BayerG;

Pixel data of a green pixel of bayer images.

variable BayerB#

int BayerB;

Pixel data of a blue pixel of bayer images.

variable R#

int R;


variable G#

int G;


variable BiColorRG#

struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@1                     BiColorRG;

Pixel data of a red green bicolor pixel pair.

variable B#

int B;


variable BiColorBG#

struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@2                     BiColorBG;

Pixel data of a blue green bicolor pixel pair.

variable Y#

int Y;


variable U#

int U;

Chroma U.

variable V#

int V;

Chroma V.

variable YUV#

struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@3                     YUV;

Pixel data of YUV images.

variable RGB#

struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@4                     RGB;

Pixel data of RGB or BGR images.

variable A#

int A;


variable RGBA#

struct Pylon::SPixelData::@0::@5                     RGBA;

Pixel data of RGB or BGR images with an alpha channel.

variable Data#

union Pylon::SPixelData::@0             Data;

Holds all types of pixel data.