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PLCamera.VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnum Class#

This enumeration selects when to start the signal evaluation. The camera waits for a rising/falling edge on the input line. When the appropriate signal has been received, the camera starts evaluating the incoming bit patterns. When one bit pattern is finished, the camera waits for the next rising/falling edge to read out the next incoming bit pattern. The camera stops listening once three bits have been received.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Inheritance Hierarchy#



Public methodPLCamera.VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnum Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnum class


Public propertyFallingEdge

This enumeration value sets the type of signal change necessary to start the signal evaluation. When the camera detects a falling edge, it starts evaluating the incoming bit patterns.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Public propertyName The full name of VInpSignalReadoutActivation (Overrides ParameterListEnum.Name.)
Public propertyRisingEdge

This enumeration value sets the type of signal change necessary to start the signal evaluation. When the camera detects a rising edge, it starts evaluating the incoming bit patterns.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE



Public methodToString The full name of VInpSignalReadoutActivation (Overrides Object.ToString()()()().)

PLCamera.VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnum.ToString Method#

The full name of VInpSignalReadoutActivation

Return Value#

Type: String
Returns the full name of VInpSignalReadoutActivation

PLCamera.VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnum Constructor#

Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnum class

PLCamera.VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnum.FallingEdge Property#

This enumeration value sets the type of signal change necessary to start the signal evaluation. When the camera detects a falling edge, it starts evaluating the incoming bit patterns.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

PLCamera.VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnum.Name Property#

The full name of VInpSignalReadoutActivation

PLCamera.VInpSignalReadoutActivationEnum.RisingEdge Property#

This enumeration value sets the type of signal change necessary to start the signal evaluation. When the camera detects a rising edge, it starts evaluating the incoming bit patterns.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE