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Acquisition Applets#

This topic tells you how to use the acquisition applets with the Framegrabber SDK.

Available Applets#

For information about the specific applets, see the documentation of your frame grabber:

Using Acquisition Applets with the Framegrabber SDK#

When is an applet available?

  • On imaWorx and imaFlex frame grabbers, an applet is available as soon as it is available in the file system of your computer (Framegrabber SDK installation directory, sub-directories DLL or Hardware Applets). If the applet isn't there, run the applet installer that contains the applet you want to use, or, if you need an applet created with VisualApplets, copy the applet file (*.hap) into the Hardware Applets folder of your Framegrabber SDK installation (e.g., ...\Basler\FramegrabberSDK5.x.x\Hardware Applets\*.hap).
  • On marathon frame grabbers, an applet is available as soon as it is flashed onto the frame grabber. If the applet you want to use isn't flashed on the frame grabber yet, flash it according to the instructions in Managing Applets (microDiagnostics).

Pre-Installed Applet#

Your frame grabber is shipped with at least one pre-installed applet. The installed applet/applets are suitable for a first check of the overall system functionality. Later on (when you start to adapt the system to your specific image acquisition requirements), you may need to flash other applets onto Your frame grabber.

The firmware for your frame grabber comes together with the applet in one *.dll or *.hap file. It is loaded onto the frame grabber together with the applet at FPGA configuration. Thus, when selecting an applet for your frame grabber, you don't need to bother about firmware versions and compatibilities.

Basler provides a wide range of image acquisition and processing applets.

Once you have made your decision, see Flashing or refer to the Framegrabber API documentation to learn how to get the firmware/applet onto marathon ACX-QP.

*.hap Files and *.dll Files#

There are two kinds of applets: acquisition applets (*.dll) always delivered by Basler, and custom applets (*.hap) developed in VisualApplets either by yourself or by Basler.

Acquisition Applets Custom Applets
Applet Functionality An acquisition applet is a compilation of specific image acquisition and processing functions that are combined to meet the requirements of a specific application field. Custom applets (also called VA applets) are designed to meet specific application purposes that aren't covered by one of the acquisition applets.
Developed by Acquisition applets are developed by Basler. They are provided with the Framegrabber SDK delivery. VA applets are developed using the graphical programming environment VisualApplets (VA). The programming can be done either by Basler or by you. Prerequisite for programming VA applets yourself is that you hold a VisualApplets license.
File Extension Acquisition applets have the file extension *.dll. VA applets have the file extension *.hap.
Distribution Acquisition applets are provided by Basler in form of an applet set. The applet set for your frame grabber contains all acquisition applets for your frame grabber. VA applets always come as single *.hap file.

Installing Applets#

Before you can use a specific applet on your frame grabber, you must install it on the frame grabber. Instructions for installing the applets are available at Managing Applets (microDiagnostics).

Adding an Applet Manually#

To add an applet you received as *.dll file (and not in form of an installer) to your host file system:

  1. Get the applet file (*.dll) you have received.
  2. Copy this file into the following directory: <Framegrabber SDK directory>/Dll/<Frame grabber model>

Now you can use the new applet.

Testing Image Acquisition#

Before you start using an applet in your own software (via API), you might want to test the system set-up or an individual applet (and its parametrization options).

For this purpose, you are provided with the tool microDisplay X that has been installed on your computer as part of the Framegrabber SDK environment. For instructions how to load and test your applet, see Configuring the Applet (microDisplay X).

Saving Applet Configuration#

After you have configured your applet (in microDisplay X or via Framegrabber API), you can save your configuration. For more information, see Other Tasks (microDisplay X).