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New Features in Framegrabber SDK 5.11.3#

This section provides information about new features for the Basler Framegrabber SDK version 5.11.3.

imaFlex CXP-12 Penta Support#

The Framegrabber SDK now supports the new programmable frame grabber imaFlex CXP-12 Penta. Framegrabber SDK 5.11.3 also delivers an applet set for imaFlex CXP-12 Penta.

VisualApplets 3.5.0 Support#

The Framegrabber SDK now supports VisualApplets 3.5.0.

Event Logging#

Framegrabber SDK supports the new pylon Event Logging Tool. For this, the existing log messages have been restructured for compliance with the pylon event logging (PEL) framework. Additionally, the log messages now contain IDs.


  • Updated applets for CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C, imaWorx CXP-12 Quad and imaFlex CXP-12 Quad:
    • The applets have been extended with additional parameters and events for problem analysis, e.g. to find errors in the CXP stream. The new parameters and events have been added to the parameter tree.
    • Bug fixes.
  • First delivery of applets for imaFlex CXP-12 Penta.