Enhanced Applets#
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This topic tells you about the Enhanced Applets. Enhanced Applets are a new set of ready-to-use applets for the Basler CXP-12 frame grabbers and for the Interface Cards.
Currently, Enhanced Applets are available for:
- CXP-12インターフェースカード1C
- CXP-12インターフェースカード2C
- CXP-12インターフェースカード4C
- imaWorx CXP-12 Quad
- imaFlex CXP-12 Quad
Enhanced Applets are the link between Acquisition Applets and Custom Applets: Acquisition Applets include functions for the acquisition and pre-processing of image and signal data, as well as the processing of system information.
The Enhanced Applets include the functional scope of the Acquisition Applets and additional sophisticated image processing functions.
Custom Applets are created via VisualApplets and provide individual functions. They can be customized on the basis of Acquisition Applets or Enhanced Applets designs.
Acquisition Applets and Enhanced Applets are supplied with the supported frame grabbers and CXP-12 Interface Cards.
Adaptations and Customizations#
It will never be possible to fulfill all customer requirements in a single set of applets. The idea of the enhanced applets is to quickly adapt to specific requirements:
- To generate new or modified enhanced applets adapted to your requirements
- To generate custom enhanced applets which fulfill exactly your requirements but will not be included in a general release. Depending on the complexity of the custom processing, this might only be possible for imaFlex frame grabbers.
- To copy the functional blocks in VisualApplets for a highly flexible and custom processing and do the implementation on your own. This is possible for imaFlex frame grabber.
VisualApplets Examples of the Functionalities#
The functional blocks can be provided as VisualApplets User Libraries or hierarchical boxes in a design. This is done depending on your project and project environment. You can get the hierarchical box for the enhanced applets from your local Basler Sales representative or field application engineer.
Other than doing custom processing in VisualApplets, check the possibilities for customization mentioned in section Adaptations and Customizations.
- Host software: Framegrabber SDK version 5.11.3 and pylon Viewer 8.0.1 or 8.0.2.
- Hardware: One of the following frame grabbers or interface cards is connected to your system:
- CXP-12インターフェースカード1C
- CXP-12インターフェースカード2C
- CXP-12インターフェースカード4C
- imaWorx CXP-12 Quad
- imaFlex CXP-12 Quad
In all applets, buffers larger than 4GB can't be allocated. Even if the applet allows a larger buffer size, you can't allocate buffers larger than 4GB due to limitations in the driver and firmware.
You can calculate the buffer size as follows:
Buffer size = image height * image width * (pixel width / 8).
For RGB images: buffer size = (image height * image width * (pixel width / 8)) * 3 .
The following sections provide links to the Enhanced Applets documentation:
GenTL | Fglib |
Enh_SingleCXP12Area | Enh_SingleCXP12Area |
GenTL | Fglib |
Enh_SingleCXP12Area | Enh_SingleCXP12Area |
Enh_DualCXP12Area | Enh_DualCXP12Area |
GenTL | Fglib |
Enh_SingleCXP12Area | Enh_SingleCXP12Area |
Enh_DualCXP12Area | Enh_DualCXP12Area |
Enh_QuadCXP12Area | Enh_QuadCXP12Area |
Area Scan Acquisition Applets#
Currently, Enhanced Applets are available for area scan cameras. The applets perfectly extend the functions of the boost v cameras to complete your image pre-processing requirements.
The following area scan Enhanced Applets are available:
- Enh_SingleCXP12Area
- Enh_DualCXP12Area
- Enh_QuadCXP12Area
Choosing the Right Area Scan Acquisition Applet#
Choosing the right applet for the Enhanced Applets depends solely on the amount of cameras connected to the frame grabber, not on the link configuration. Therefore, the matrix for choosing the right applet is as follows:
カメラの数 | アプレット | トポロジー |
1 | Enh_SingleCXP12Area | |
2 | Enh_DualCXP12Area | |
4 | Enh_QuadCXP12Area |
For the specific specifications of the applet read the applet documentation, chapter "Features".
In contrast to the Acqusition Applets, the Enhanced Applets all have the additional features:
- Binning (currently only monochrome) of up to 4x4
- Block-based flat field correction (FFC) for monochrome cameras
- PGI high quality Debayering and image quality improvements
Using Enhanced Applets#
Using Enhanced Applets with the Framegrabber SDK#
Find here general information about using the applets with the Framegrabber SDK: Acquisition Applets.
Installing Enhanced Applets#
Before you can use a specific applet on your frame grabber, you need to install it on the frame grabber. Instructions for installing the applets are available at Managing Applets (microDiagnostics).
Adding an Enhanced Applets Manually#
To add an applet you received as *.dll file (and not in form of an installer) to your host file system:
- Get the applet file (*.dll) you have received.
- Copy this file into the following directory: \<Framegrabber SDK installation directory>/Dll/\<frame grabber model>
- Ensure to have the GenTL environmental variable pointing to the Framegrabber SDK installation directory.
Now you can use the new applets in microDisplayX, any GenTL consumer or your own SDK program using the Framegrabber SDK API.
Testing Image Acquisition#
Before you start using an applet in your own software (via API), you might want to test the system set-up or an individual applet (and its parametrization options).
For this purpose, you are provided with the tool microDisplay X that has been installed on your host computer as part of the Framegrabber SDK environment. For instructions how to load and test your applet, see Configuring the Applet (microDisplay X).
Saving Applet Configuration#
After you have configured your applet (in microDisplay X or via Framegrabber API), you can save your configuration. For more information, see Configuring the Applet (microDisplay X).
Using Enhanced Applets with the pylon Viewer#
The Enhanced Applets are provided as plugin for the pylon Viewer. Contact Basler Sales representative or field application engineer to ask for this plugin.
Installing the Enhanced Applets Plugin for pylon#
You receive the Enhanced Applets plugin for pylon as *.dll files. To install the Enhanced Applets plugin for pylon:
- Copy the *.dll files into the pylon installation directory Runtime\x64\pylonCXP\dll\<frame grabber name>.
- Ensure to have the GenTL environmental variable pointing to the pylon installation directory.
Now you can use the new applets in microDisplayX, any GenTL consumer or your own SDK program using the Framegrabber SDK API.