
Camera-image issues

The camera image is too bright

  • If the camera is in manual exposure mode, decrease the exposure time (see Parameters), or
  • switch to auto-exposure mode (see Parameters).

The camera image is too dark

  • If the camera is in manual exposure mode, increase the exposure time (see Parameters), or
  • switch to auto-exposure mode (see Parameters).

The camera image is too noisy

Large gain factors cause high-amplitude image noise. To decrease the image noise,

  • use an additional light source to increase the scene’s light intensity, or
  • choose a greater maximal auto-exposure time (see Parameters).

The camera image is out of focus

  • Check whether the object is too close to the lens and increase the distance between the object and the lens if it is.
  • Check whether the camera lenses are dirty and clean them if they are.
  • If none of the above applies, a severe hardware problem might exist. Please contact support.

The camera image is blurred

Fast motions in combination with long exposure times can cause blur. To reduce motion blur,

  • decrease the motion speed of the camera,
  • decrease the motion speed of objects in the field of view of the camera, or
  • decrease the exposure time of the camera (see Parameters).

The camera image frame rate is too low

  • Increase the image frame rate as described in Parameters.
  • The maximal frame rate of the cameras is 25 Hz.

Depth/Disparity, error, and confidence image issues

All these guidelines also apply to error and confidence images, because they correspond directly to the disparity image.

The disparity image is too sparse or empty

The disparity images’ frame rate is too low

  • Check and increase the frame rate of the camera images (see Parameters). The frame rate of the disparity image cannot be greater than the frame rate of the camera images.
  • Choose a lesser Disparity Image Quality.
  • Increase the Minimum Distance as much as possible for the application.

The disparity image does not show close objects

  • Check whether the object is too close to the cameras. Consider the depth ranges of the camera variants.
  • Decrease the Minimum Distance.

The disparity image does not show distant objects

The disparity image is too noisy

The disparity values or the resulting depth values are too inaccurate

  • Decrease the distance between the camera and the scene. Depth-measurement error grows quadratically with the distance from the cameras.
  • Check whether the scene contains repetitive patterns and remove them if it does. They could cause wrong disparity measurements.

The disparity image is too smooth

The disparity image does not show small structures

GigE Vision/GenICam issues

No images